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Friday 26 December 2014

The Sims 4

Hey Simmers,
In case you're new to my blog, I didn't get TS4 until it was released. I knew I was getting it for Xmas. So, I have been playing it non stop.


my sim that I created in CAS. She is blonde, has blue eyes and her aspiration is Bestselling Author, giving her the bonus trait of MUSER. Her other 3 traits are ROMANTIC, BOOKWORM and CREATIVE.

Rowan is an in-game sim. Jenna married him. His aspiration is evil mastermind, and his bonus trait is DEVIOUS. I can't remember all of his traits, but 2 of them are BOOKWORM and NEAT. He is originally unemployed, but I gave him the secret agent career.

Jenna and ROWAN had twins, now children.

One of the twins. Matt has his dad's hair, his mum's face shape and his dad's eyes. He is a "cool kid", his aspiration being the one where he wants to be a troublemaker. His trait is GOOFBALL.

The other twin. Kallie has her mum's hair, her dad's face shape and her dad's eyes. She is considered quirky, having mismatched socks. Her aspiration is to be an Artistic Protégée, and her trait is OUTGOING.

That's my TS4 current household.

Keep Simming!

Monday 22 December 2014

A TS3 Xmas


Hey! Here's a few CC downloads from TSR to ensure your Sims 3 Sims have a very merry Christmas!

1. Everyone needs a Christmas tree! I have the Oh Oh Oh tree, download it here.

2. Dress the part with the Vintage Toddler Xmas Dress and the Metallic Xmas Dress!
3: You gotta have a cozy couch for xmas, so download the Living Room French Quarter Sofa!
That's all for now!
Keep Simming,

Orign Bug Is Fixed!

Hey Simmers! Good news! Origin is cooperating and allowing me to play The Sims!!!! YAY!!! So, in 2 days time I can play TS4!!!!! YAY!!! BTW, my computer updated and fixed Origin.

Keep Simming!

Friday 19 December 2014


Hey Simmers, I need some help her.

So lots of people use lots of different game programs to play The Sims. I use Origin, and I'm sure a lot of you guys do too. So, Origin updates once in a while, and it recently updated. Ever since, I can't launch Origin therefore I can't play Sims OR download CC. If any of you guys have a solution PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment below.
Keep Simming, although I cannot.
-Rubie :(


Hey Simmers! Just a quick post here. It's 5 FLIPPN' DAYS UNTIL XMAS!!!! And do you know what that means...

THE SIMS 4!!!!!!
I'll also probably do some LP's and CAS vids and speed builds so be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

Until then, keep simming!

Thursday 18 December 2014


Hey Simmers,

OH MY GOSH. I can not even explain how sorry I am for not posting in forever.

It's almost x-mas, and I will be posing some x-mas CC.

Plus, I get TS4 for x-mas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep Simming,